About Us

Welcome! I'm Kyle, and my husband Jeremy (who will also post every now and then), love to cook and try new recipes. Most of the things we try come from Pinterest, product packaging, and other blogs. Especially since I have a number of food intolerances/allergies. Everything we make is gluten, dairy, and egg yolk free.

Quick History of Us
We met in October 2011, got engaged a year later, and were married in July 2013.

My family cooked all of the food at the wedding (including our cupcakes) to be sure that everything was safe.

Since we started dating we have found many recipes that are both tasty and what we call "Kyle-Friendly". In this blog we hope to share as many of our food adventures as we can.

Kyle's Diagnosis
I (Kyle) have never been officially diagnosed. Around April 2009 I started getting debilitating migraines in college, in combination with many gastrointestinal symptoms, many of which I had dealt with my entire life. On May 4, 2009 my mom was watching The View and Elisabeth Hasselbeck was describing her symptoms before she was diagnosed with Celiac's Disease. My mom called me and told me to take out gluten, within three days my migraines were gone. However, I kept getting my gastrointestinal issues every now and then. After doing some research we found that casein (protein found in dairy) is often a problem for those with gluten intolerance.

Prior to these discoveries, I had had an allergy test done before studying abroad in Spain my senior year of high school. In which, both gluten and egg yolks had shown up as allergies. After figuring out that gluten really was an issue, I removed egg yolks from my diet as well.

Thank you for joining us on our journey! 
Please feel free to leave comments on any of our recipes, we are always looking for ways to improve them!

NOTE: I am by no means a professional photographer, majority of the pictures are taken with my phone. I have a very nice DSLR camera which I hope to starting putting to good use soon.